Get Insights every week to increase conversions

  • Deploys a Growth Analyst to your team
  • Ongoing Mixpanel, data stack consultation
  • Helping you drive insights from product
  • Creating required reports
  • Identify areas of maximum ROI
  • Optimise your marketing ROI
  • Affordable Monthly retainer

10+ Product Leaders used this last quarter

34 Benefits that will happen for your team after taking this service

10 Benefits to product strategy

Get Answers to what users are loving the most

Under 3 minutes

Get answer to product related queries and in less than 3 minutes


Get Data to understand acquisition, activation, retention, monetization


Prioritise what to build next with relevant business case and data

Correct Problems

Team will invest time in solving correct problems


Identify features that will have high impact through impact tracker


Find users who are getting value from product and who are not


Find users who are leaving you and not converting to paid

Develop with confidence

AB test features and find what will have better impact once developed


Proper data for planning the next build without going to analyst


Product information for planning the next sprint without wasting time

7 Figure Agency Owner

“Optiblack team is a real expert in Mixpanel implementation, they are patient, think one step ahead and helped us in our launch"

12 Benefits for Product Managers, Marketing and Executive team

Know how are users "actually" using the application

Drop offs

Know where users are dropping off


Track every move of users inside application

Feature usage

Feature wise consumption to know which feature is being used how much

New feature launch

impact of new feature launch to know whether it was a success of failure


Feedback in realtime and combine with their activities to do cohort analysis

Sticky user

Which features are causing the most trouble for users to drop off and not getting value


Product acceptance over time and which cohort of users are adopting the most


Onboarding experiments to make users stay and measure the results of experiments to develop long term changes


How many adopting the feature over time and leading to monetization


correct data which cohort of users are adopting which features to do their work


What is bringing back the users


What they never return to do

Medkart & Zybra Software

“Optiblack, understood our requirements properly and helped us implement the same with our Tech & Product team. It was a great experience to work with Optiblack."

4 Benefits to product managers

Fast Track Product Development


Make a business case backend with data to develop the next feature


Whether the feature developed is increasing retention and bringing users back to app or increasing product features


Know the features leading to monetization and grow 2x


Better utilization of tech resources and more focus on development

VP, New Initiatives, Tvito

“Team Optiblack understands Mixpanel & Analytics really well. Their onboarding support cut down our implementation efforts."

8 Benefits to Marketers

Converting users like a CRO expert

Free or Paid

Identify the set of features which are converting users to paid and what are paid users doing differently

Why they buy?

Which features are users using the most and purchasing your app for


Identify the set of users who show tendency to leave by tracking them usage metrics

Negative features

What features are churned users doing that is leading to bad impact

Channel Optimization

Identify which marketing channels are giving sticky long term users


Attribute where the user comes from to sign up with multi-touch attribution


What website content is helping users convert more to application

Landing pages

Which landing pages are converting the users to signup?

5 Action SaaS CRO Playbook

Increase Signups, Free-to-Paid and MRR

10+ Items in Scope of Work for Growth Analyst

Mixpanel is updated regularly

Maintain Mixpanel and modern data tech stack keep it updated with continuous product development

Generating Insights

Monitor, Optimize, and report on marketing and growth metrics and split-test results. Make recommendations based on analytics and test findings.

Pattern recognition

Identify, analyze, and interpret trends or patterns in complex data sets to develop a thorough understanding of  products, users, and acquisition channels.

Exploratory Analysis

Run exploratory analysis uncover new areas of opportunity, generate hypotheses, and quickly assess the potential upside of a given opportunity.

Project Execution

Help execute projects to drive insights that lead to customer growth.

Impact identification

Work closely with marketing, design, product, support, and engineering to anticipate analytics needs and to quantify the impact of existing features, future product changes, and marketing campaigns.

Custom Reporting

Analyze, forecast, and build custom reports to make key performance indicators and insights available to the entire company.

Data Driven Culture

Drive optimization and data minded culture inside the company.

Analytical Frameworks

Develop frameworks, models, tools, and processes to ensure that analytical insights can be incorporated into all key decision making.

Business Decision Making

Effectively present and communicate analysis to the company to drive business decisions.

Tech Stack

Build and Maintain the modern data tech stack to manage communications with customers

Ready to see how you it will work for you?

No-obligation FREE call


When you take this service

Bonus #1

$50K USD in Credits for Product Analytics for our clients from Mixpanel if you qualify

Bonus #2

Calculate ROI on product development and funnel optimization

Bonus #3

Lifetime access to private community

Personal Service Guarantee

Mixpanel for SaaS Companies

Track Revenue with Mixpanel

The modern data tech stack

Product Analytics Maturity Model

Partners with Mixpanel


Mixpanel gives you detailed, real-time insight into how people interact with your products. Trusted by over 26,000 companies incl. Uber, Twitter. 

Optiblack is partners with Mixpanel to bring product analytics for SaaS Companies

Still have questions?

Optiblack is partner with Mixpanel

to deliver analytics for SaaS Companies


Select a result

you are looking for

This is designed for ambitious & innovative SaaS founders and Product Leaders



What are users doing inside my


Know what users are doing inside the product, take decisions on what to build next



How can I convert insights from data to revenue dollars?

Ship the stuff that your users want, make them come back again to your app and keep customers from leaving you



Do I have the right talent

to pull it off?

Hire developers, designers, product managers, devops from a pool of SaaS focussed talent